Camp Pendleton Information
Noise Advisories
Please Note: Depending on atmospheric conditions, the sound of the explosions may be amplified and heard up to 50 miles away.
Go to the Noise Advisory page at the Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton website.
For noise inquiries, contact Range Operations Division Office at 725-0357 during the hours of 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. After normal business hours (and weekends), contact the Command Duty Officer at 760-725-5061.
Wildfire Information
In the event of a fire that could be a threat to the safety, health or property of Camp Pendleton, it's residents and the residents of the surrounding community, pertinent information will be posted to Camp Pendleton's "Current Emergency" Information Web Page, as well as our social media sites:
Please visit these web links for all current Camp Pendleton wildfire information.